Sunday, June 26, 2011

Week: 1- Reflections: Week of Trial and Error, Week of Sadness and Happiness, Week of the Entrance to the New World

Hi everybody!
I would like to share you all about how I spent this week. No doubt, I was very curious about the course, class, reading materials and the tasks that I had to do since the time I was selected for this course. I became very happy when I was sent an e-mail by Donna, our respected teacher. It was shortly before the course began, Danna sent me an e-mail for encouraging me to live with the computer and be familiar with the computer terminologies related to online education. The course was formally started on the 20th June. As you all have been sent, Donna sent me some tasks that I had to complete this week. She clearly sent me the instructions for doing each and every task. The main tasks for this week were: creating a Google account, creating a Nicenet account and joining in the nicenet class, creating an academic blog and commenting and preparing the ground rules and rubrics for the academic discussion.
For doing these tasks, I spent much time with my computer. I e-mailed my teacher Donna a number of times because I was not good at computer use and not familiar with these programs. I remembered the learning theorist Throndike and his learning theory trial and error. I followed the same theory for carrying out most of the tasks. Very interesting thing I want to share here with you is that I posted mistakenly to Last year group. Donna kindly informed me and I came to my own group. I spent more time for preparing an academic blog. I have already posted my experience of preparing a blog. So in general, I have perceived this week as the week of trial and error.
This week for me is the mixture of sadness and happiness. I became sad time and again when I failed to do the tasks I have been appointed. And I became happy when I would get little success on doing that task. There would not be complete sadness when I was doing the task because there would be some hope. And there wouldn’t be complete happiness because there would remain some confusion after the little success on each task. I realized both happiness and sadness are the relative concepts that everyone has to experience.
This week for me is the week of the entrance to the new world. Truly speaking, firstly, it is the entrance to the new world for me in that I have got a chance to enter the online course which is the new trend of world education and I had never got the opportunity like this. Secondly I have entered the platform where I can share the ideas, feelings and experience with the teachers and friends who have same profession, interests and desires. Thirdly and finally, this is the entrance for me to bring changes in my classroom performance. Teaching without computer and other modern technologies becomes passive and unfruitful. This is the conclusion I come up with at the end of this week.

Thank You

1 comment:

  1. Hi kamal,
    Very nice reflection. I like it very much.
    Thank you.
